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A Conversation between J.M. Coetzee and I

(disclaimer: this is entirely fiction. I am in not any way connected to J.M. Coetzee nor have I ever met him. This is a completely made up instance about my introduction and encounter with his novel, Disgrace.)

Me: You know, John, I got to be honest. I read Elizabeth Costello, and, you know what? I really didn’t like it. It was just so bland and pedantic. I felt like I got to know who Elizabeth was, but there really wasn’t a type of storytelling going on. It just kinda seemed like I was reading words on a page. It didn’t really feel like I was reading a novel.

Him: I see, so you want things like prose, drama, rising action, and the like, right? Is that what you’re saying.

Me: Well…um…yeah.

Him: Okay. (reaches into his satchel, and hands me a copy of Disgrace) Here you go, and you’re welcome in advance.

The End

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